Applications: An application can be deployed using a combination of pods, deployments, and services (or micro-services).Key features: Easy and flexible installation, Clear dashboard, Great scaling operations, Monitoring is an integral part, Great load balancing concepts, Monitors the condition and ensures compensation in the event of failure.The main reason we have chosen Kubernetes over Docker Swarm is related to the following artifacts: Redis as preferred in-memory database/store (great for caching).PostgreSQL as preferred database system.

Amazon S3) for deploying in stage (production-like) and production environments

SSLMate (using OpenSSL) for certificate management.nginx as web server (preferably used as facade server in production environment).Heroku for deploying in test environments.Kubernetes as cluster management for docker containers.VirtualBox for operating system simulation tests.Docker Compose for multi-container application management) Prettier / TSLint / ESLint as code linter.CircleCI for continuous integration (automatize development process).Respectively Git as revision control system.GitHub Pages/ Markdown for Documentation, GettingStarted and HowTo's) for collaborative review and code management tool Our whole DevOps stack consists of the following tools: It feels good to ignore new editors that come out every few years, like Atom and Visual Studio Code. To me, Vim comes close to being the perfect editor and I probably won’t need to switch ever again. The learning curve is very steep and it took me a year to master it, but investing time to be truly comfortable with my #TextEditor was more than worth it. I wanted to "look like a hacker" by doing everything inside my terminal and by becoming a better Unix citizen.