Killing enemies in the Battlefield gains players a certain amount of experience. Players may accumulate Battlefield Levels and Faction Affinity by participating in Battlefields. Players can check their previous Battlefield results in the 'My Battlefield' interface. Players will be rewarded based on their performance in the battle. When Battlefield is over, the result screen will display the player's kill count and score. The Expert will also drop the Silent Temple Script, which can be picked up and used to take on the identity of the Silent Temple Expert. Kill the Silent Temple Expert to gain bonus scores. The Expert will gain bonus buffs to help them resist stuns, however, they will not be able to use any healing items. When the Battlefield starts, the system will randomly select a player as a Silent Temple Expert.

Players will be rewarded based on their scores and kill counts. However, instead of team battles players will partake in free for all PvP. This mode has the same settings as in Faction Mode.